Unconditional Stardust Love

How to take part?
Simply make a video to express your love towards your family,friends or your another half.
It can be a video message, a song or a surprise you have prepared.
Record it and send it to risis@hotmail.sg with your Name,NRIC number and telephone number.
We will choose the 5 most interesting confession of love and post it on our blog for voting.
The video that has the most votes would win RISIS Stardust Collection

Important dates to note:
All videos should be submitted by 10 December 2010. 11.59pm
Releasing of 5 most interesting confession would be posted here on 13 Dec 2010.
Voting would start on 13 Dec 2010 10am and end on 19 Dec 2010 10am.
Results will be release on 20 Dec 2010 12pm

Here are some examples:
Korean girl group Girls' Generation expressing their love towards their moms and a short videos about expressing love to others.

credits of videos as stated on YouTube page, we don't own any of these videos